The Morning Alms Round to 1,111 Monks in Uttaradit
The Morning Alms Round to 1,111 Monks in Uttaradit province. Alms from this ceremony will be delivered to help monks in four unrest Southern provinces.
The Morning Alms Round at Jatujak
The good news for those who love to offer the morning alms round. Don't miss!! You have good chance to offer the alms to 15,000 monks again!!
The Morning Alms Round to 10,000 Monks in Hat Yai
Some people think there shouldn’t be any resolution when making merit, because it is as if one is greedy or one expects something in return. How to correct this misunderstanding?
Some people think there shouldn’t be any resolution when making merit, because it is as if one is greedy or one expects something in return. I don’t know how to correct this misunderstanding.
Persuading People to Cast More Than 3,000 Buddha Images.
สามี-ภรรยา นักสร้างบารมี ผู้ที่ทุ่มเทสร้างบารมีอย่างเต็มที่ ทั้ง ทาน ศีล ภาวนา และบุญพิเศษต่างๆ กับคุณครูไม่ใหญ่ ...สร้างองค์พระ และบอกบุญสร้างองค์พระกว่าสามพันองค์ ...ในยามที่เศรษฐกิจของบ้านเมืองวิกฤต ในยุค IMF พวกเขายังทุ่มเทเงินก้อนสุดท้ายเพื่อสร้างบุญ นับเป็นคู่บุญ คู่บารมี ตัวอย่างที่ดีของโลก...
The Ceremony of Chanting the Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta
The Ceremony of Chanting the Lord Buddha’s Mantra “Dhammacakkappavattana Sutta” Since Dhammachai Day (the Most Ven. Phrathepyanmahamuni’s Ordination Anniversary) on Sunday September 22nd, 2013
Answer by Law of Kamma :- Killing for Food for Sale
An audience kills the live animals for food for sale. She questions that what bad retributions she will get from this.
How To Build The Habits Of The Children To Be Sincere And Clever (Mai Ngo)#5
Parents have to teach children who the bhikkhus are: The word “Phra Sangha” is combined by 2 words: “Phra” means great and “Sangha” (pronounced Song) means group
The Morning Alms Round to 12,600 monks in Hat Yai
If you love to offer the morning alms round, this is a good news for you. The Morning Alms Round to 12,600 monks in Hat Yai will be happened again.
Persuading People to Cast More Than 3,000 Buddha Images
How can one change his dad’s idea of no life after death? He gently tried to explain the truth to him but he could not understand. How can he convert him to have faith in Buddhism?